post natal care - Kakkanat Ayurveda Asramam

Shoranur, Palakkad

Kerala - India 679121

+91 90 61 62 2255

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Ayurveda Post Natal Care

Do you need Ayurveda Post Natal Care?

Ayurveda Post Natal Care

Every mother & baby deserves utmost care after pregnancy. New born mother need plenty of rest, good nutrition & help during the first few weeks (7 weeks) after delivery.

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Ayurveda Post Natal Care
In postpartum period mother may undergoes serious issues like:
• Mood swings
• Postpartum depression
• Back pain
• Migraine
• Under eye darkness
• Digestion issues
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Aim of Post-natal care
• Prepare her to take care of herself and her newborn
• To restore digestion
• To restore mothers’ Physiology and Psychology
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• Improves the quantity and quality of breast milk
• Improves muscle tone to prevent back-pain
• Strengthens the lower back, ligaments, bones and muscles
Massage (Abhyanga)

Abhyanga provides relaxation to the body and tranquility to the mind. It alleviates stress, calms depression due to hormonal changes.
• Body massage
• Head massage
• Face massage

Baby Massage & Bathing

To improve the skin tone and proper growth. Medicated Bath improves the Skin tone and Pain.

Ayurveda Kizhi

To achieve the muscle tone and blood circulation.

Hip Bath

It alleviates the pain of external haemorrhoid and epiziotomic wound.

Yoni Pichu

To improve the healing of epizotomy

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Food Diet Guidelines


To relax mind and hence improve lactation.


Treatment for Stretch marks and to restore the muscle tone to some extend

Abdomen Bandaging

Imparts support to pelvic cage and pereneal area which prevent LBA & prolapses of uterus.

Skin & Hair care treatments

Skin & Hair massage with medicated oils/other medicaments as per condition.

Porridges and Gruel

To restore the normal digestion Diet for increasing BM

Ayurveda Post Natal Care


Every mother & baby deserves utmost care after pregnancy. New born mother need plenty of rest, good nutrition & help during the first few weeks (7 weeks) after delivery.

Our Facilities

During this appointment, your health care provider will check your mood and emotional well-being, and review information about infant care and feeding. Your health care provider will also talk about your sleep habits and issues related to fatigue, and do a physical exam.